We approach the clock with one day left...
My Family
I believe that family is important under any circumstances. And my family deserves a whopping two-thumbs up for awesomeness. My mom, my dad, and my brother Robert have been highly supportive of all of my goals. Especially my pursuit of publication! Mom, Dad, and Robert have always been there for me, no matter what. Just One of the Guys would never have happened without them! Muchas gracias!
Mom- You got me into reading and put up with me- even when I had to read every sign and label at Petsmart. You taught me not only how to tell a good story, but how to write one. Thanks for all the writer days you put in at my schools and for all the conferences you drove me to! Your guidance, confidence, support, and editorial revisions have been invaluable to me. Hugs, kisses, and love!2!
My Family
I believe that family is important under any circumstances. And my family deserves a whopping two-thumbs up for awesomeness. My mom, my dad, and my brother Robert have been highly supportive of all of my goals. Especially my pursuit of publication! Mom, Dad, and Robert have always been there for me, no matter what. Just One of the Guys would never have happened without them! Muchas gracias!
Dad- You have been a major part of everything I do. You revealed to me the amazing world of real rollercoasters and you taught me how to fire a pistol. You listen to Mom and me brainstorm about our stories- and you help me brainstorm about my engineering projects! Thanks for your patience, love, and great taste in cool t-shirts!
Robert- I may call you my annoying little brother, but you have been a huge contributor to everything. You've been incredibly helpful during my most recent recovery- even when it meant getting up from a Time Warp episode. You help me keep my Marvel comic history straight and its always fun to hear you get excited about band. Thanks for everything- except maybe the annoying stuff! =)
Just One of the Guys is coming out TOMORROW! You'll be able to get your copy here. And don't forget that the countdown continues here at Sam's Space. There's one last person that deserves a BIG thank-you!
And guess what! It's my sixteenth birthday today! I'm having some friends over for pizza, cake, and gaming. I'll post pictures of everything on Saturday. Yay!